Silent Installation Guide for Intel Compilers for Mac OS* X Versions 14.x, 13.x, 12.x, 11.x, 11.x and 10.1
- List Of Intel Celeron Processors
- Mac Os X For Intel Celeron Core I5
- Intel Celeron G4900t
- Mac Os X For Intel Celeron Laptop
As a rule, all product lines (except iMac) changed names when Apple made the switch: iBooks PowerBooks-MacBook Pro Power Mac chip model/speed - Mac Pro The iMac branding was retained, but the model year or System Info will sort it out. Intel® Pentium® Silver and Celeron® processors power more types of devices, from notebooks to convertibles to desktops and mini PCs— Support Windows, Chrome. and Linux. OS—giving people flexibility to choose the best device for their needs, while knowing it will give them the performance, experiences, and security. they want. Intel 520 freezes on MacBook Pro/Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Hi all, I installed an Intel 520 SSD (240GB) in my MacBook Pro yesterday. After reinstalling the system, I moved my datas. (Mac OS X doesn't manage for 3rd party drives). I cannot run the SSD Toolbox from my Mac. I'll try to install Windows and see if it hangs up. The Intel® Celeron® processor levels up the fun with improved graphics, smooth action, and healthy battery life to support enhanced casual gameplay. Intel® Wireless-AC (Gigabit) Intel is first to deliver an over the air Gigabit Wi-Fi solution for the PC. With Intel® Wireless-AC users can be confident that they have a blazing fast connection.
Linux and Mac OS X Compilers Installation Help Center: /en-us/articles/intel-compilers-linux-installation-help
This guide presents silent installation instructions for current and previous versions of Intel compilers. Newer compilers are described first, scroll down for version 11.x or older.
Silent Installation Guide for Intel Compilers for Mac OS* X Versions 14.x, 13.x, and 12.x
Here are the steps you need to follow to install the Intel Composer XE for OS X* version 2013 SP1 aka '14.0' in silent mode.
Step 0) Confirm that the userID for the installation has 'sudo' priviledge. If you are unfamiliar with the 'sudo' command please research that command on the internet to become familiar with it's use. Test your sudo priviledge with a simple sudo command such as 'sudo pwd' or 'sudo ls -l'
Step 1) Mount the *.dmg file with required content using 'Finder', for example, by double-clicking on *.dmg. OR If you are working from a terminal window, use the hdiutil command to mount the compiler installer disk image (.dmg)
2013 SP1 Example:
Disk image mounts under
- /Volumes/m_fcompxe_2013_sp1.u.vvv (for the Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1)
- /Volumes/m_ccompxe_2013_sp1.u.vvv (for the C++ Composer XE 2013 SP1)
Mount the image
- sudo hdiutil attach m_fcompxe_2013_sp1.u.vvv.dmg
- sudo hdiutil attach m_ccompxe_2013_sp1.u.vvv.dmg
where 'u' is the update number ( 0, 1, 2, 3, etc) and where 'vvv' is the specific version ( 2013_sp1.2.142 is Update 2, version 142 for example)
Step 2) Start a 'Terminal' program from Utilities group (if you have not done so already.
Step 3) Using 'Terminal', change directory to the /Packages folder:
2013 SP1 Example:
- cd /Volumes/m_ccompxe_2013_sp1.X.YYY/Packages
- cd /Volumes/m_fcompxe_2013_sp1.X.YYY/Packages
Step 4) Use 'sudo' to run the Intel installer 'i_install': ./i_install with the silent install options.
Usage: ./i_install [OPTIONS]
For Version 2013 SP1: usage: sudo ./i_install [-s or -h] [-f 'license file or folder or port@host'] or [-sn 'serialnumber'] -xd 'xcode folder' -l 'log file' -it '[1/2]' -sd '[yes/no]' -eula 'accept'
User can provide a valid serial number following the -sn option or a license file with the complete path or port@host for server license following the -f option.
Required Options
- -s : to indicate execute in silent mode
- -l : [optional] to provide a install log file (this file will be created '/tmp' folder. Do not use any path information, just some simple name like 'install.log'.
- -f : -licfile Install silently using the license file provided on the command line. Include the full path to the .lic license file on your system. Typically these are stored in directory /Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses/.lic
- Port@host Install silently using the server license available at host
- -sn, -sn Install silently using the serial number provided on the command line
- -eula 'accept' to confirm that you have read the End User Licensing Agreement and have accepted the license conditions. By using silent installation you must accept the EULA and by using the silent installation you have agreed to those terms.
More required Options for all compilers Version 11.1 and above
- -id 'install directory', default install folder is /opt/intel
- Silent install utility installs all the packages bundled in the meta package.
- To set the top level install folder for these packages one can use this option
- -xd : 'xcode folder' ( provide Xcode IDE folder for compiler to be integrated with) - /Applications/ for example or /Developer/XCode
More required Options for all compilers Version 12.0 and above (Composer XE 2011, Composer XE 2013, Composer XE 2013 SP1)
12.0 and 12.1 versions:
- -it: install type; 1. commandline install 2. xcode integration 3. both, command line and xcode environment.
- User has option to install either command line alone and/or integrate with xcode IDEenviromen
- Default install type is 3
More required options for all compilers version 13.0, 13.1, and 14.0: Composer XE 2013 and 2013 SP1 versions:
- -it: install type; 1. Command line install 2. both, command line and Xcode environment.
- User has option to install either command line alone or integrate with Xcode IDE enviroment
- Default install type is 2
- -sd: indicates agreement to participate in Intel(R) Software Improvement Program, by default is 'no'
Silent Installation Guide for Intel Compilers for Mac OS* X Version 11.x
Here are the steps you need to follow to install the Intel Compilers for Mac OS X* version 11.0 and higher in silent mode.
Step 0) Login as an administrative user or root. If you have sudo priviledge, become root user in a Terminal window with:
- sudo bash
- and enter your user password, then enter command
- su -
Step 1) Mount the *.dmg file with required content using 'Finder', for example, by double-clicking on *.dmg. OR If you are working from a terminal window, use the hdiutil command to mount the compiler installer disk image (.dmg)
11.0 Example (11.1 is similar):
Disk image mounts under
- /Volumes/m_cprof_p_11.0.0xx (for the 11.0 Fortran Compiler) or
- /Volumes/m_cproc_p_11.0.0xx (for the 11.0 C++ Compiler)
Mount image with
- hdiutil attach m_cprof_p_11.0.0xx.dmg
- hdiutil attach m_cproc_p_11.0.0xx.dmg
12.0 Example:
Disk image mounts under
- /Volumes/m_fcompxe_2011.u.vvv (for the 12.0 Fortran Compiler) or
- /Volumes/m_ccompxe_2011.u.vvv (for the 12.0 C++ Compiler)
Mount image with
- hdiutil attach m_fcompxe_2011.u.vvv.dmg
- hdiutil attach m_ccompxe_2011.u.vvv.dmg
where 'u' is the update number ( 0, 1, 2, 3, etc) and where 'vvv' is the specific version ( 2011.2.142 is Update 2, version 142 for example).
Step 2) Start a 'Terminal' program from Utilities group (if you have not done so already. Do this as root user or use the command 'sudo bash' to become root user)
Step 3) Using 'Terminal' as root user, change directory to the /Plugins folder:
11.0 (similarly for 11.1):
Change directory to the 'Plugins' folder inside /Volumes/m_cprof_p_11.0.0xx
For example:
- cd /Volumes/m_cproc_p_11.0.0xx/m_cproc_p_11.0.0xx.mpkg/Contents/Plugins
- cd /Volumes/m_cprof_p_11.0.0xx/m_cproc_p_11.0.0xx.mpkg/Contents/Plugins
- cd /Volumes/m_ccompxe_2011.2.142/m_ccompxe_2011.2.142.mpkg/Contents/Plugins
- cd /Volumes/m_fcompxe_2011.2.142/m_fcompxe_2011.2.142.mpkg/Contents/Plugins
Step 4) Run installer 'i_install': ./i_install with the silent install options.
Usage: ./i_install [OPTION]
For version 11.0: usage: ./i_install [-s or -h] -l 'log file' -f 'license file or folder or port@host' -eula 'accept'
For version 11.1: usage: ./i_install [-s or -h] -l 'log file' -f 'license file or folder or port@host' -sn 'serialnumber' -xd 'xcode folder' -id 'install folder' -eula 'accept'
For Version 12.0: usage: ./i_install [-s or -h] -l 'log file' [-f 'license file or folder or port@host'] or [-sn 'serialnumber'] -it '[1/2/3]'-xd 'xcode folder' -id 'install folder' -eula 'accept'
User can provide a valid serial number following the -sn option or a license file with the complete path or port@host for server license following the -f option.
Required Options
- -s : to indicate execute in silent mode
- -l : [optional] to provide a install log file (this file will be created '/tmp' folder
- -f : -licfile Install silently using the license file provided on the command line.
- Port@host Install silently using the server license available at host
- -sn, -sn Install silently using the serial number provided on the command line
Additional Options, Version 11.1 and above
- -id 'install directory', default install folder is /opt/intel
- Silent install utility installs all the packages bundled in the meta package.
- To set the top level install folder for these packages one can use this option
- If install_dir is provided then the mounted system has to be writable for silent installs
- If the mounted volume is not writable, then user gets'Seems mounted volume is read only file system. Use 'hdiutil attach '.dmg' -readwrite -shadow' command, to mount the disk image', message and aborts silent install.
- -xd : 'xcode folder' ( provide xcode IDE folder for compiler to be intgegared with)
Additional Options, Version 12.0 and above
- -it: install type; 1. commandline install 2. xcode integration 3. both, command line and xcode environment.
- User has option to install either command line alone and/or integrate with xcode IDEenviroment
- Default install type is 3
- -h Display the silent install usage.
List Of Intel Celeron Processors
Log File
Option, '-l mylog_file' creates a install log file 'tmp/mylog_file', if this argument is not given then'/tmp/pset.log' file is created for logs.
Silent Installation Guide for Intel Compilers for Mac OS* X Version 10.1
Here are the steps you need to follow to install the Intel Compilers for Mac OS X* version 10.1 in silent mode.
- Mount the *.dmg file with required content using 'Finder', for example, by double-clicking on *.dmg. If you are working from a terminal window, this command will mount the compiler installer disk image under /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.0xx (for the Fortran Compiler) or /Volumes/m_cc_p_10.1.0xx (for the C++ compiler)
- hdiutil attach m_fc_p_10.1.0xx.dmg
- hdiutil attach m_cc_p_10.1.0xx.dmg
- Start a 'Terminal' program from Utilities group (if you have not done so already). Using 'Terminal' do the following:
- Copy the contents of the mounted image to a local folder, for example:
- cp -pR /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.00x /Users/f_fc_p_10.1.00x (or the similar command for m_cc_p_10.1.0xx)
- Change directory to the local 'instman' folder inside the folder you copied in (a), for example:
- cd /Users/f_fc_p_10.1.00x/instman
- Export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=, for example:
- export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/f_fc_p_10.1.00x/instman:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
- (optional) Make changes to ‘si_issa.xml' configuration file to change the default settings, see details below.
- Run: ./si_secore with the silent install options. Usage: /si_secore [OPTION]
The user must provide a valid serial number following the -sn option and a license file with the complete path following the --licfile option. -n, -sn Install silently using the serial number provided on the command line. The other settings will come from 'si_issa.xml' file in the instman folder or from a custom config file, specified as -c 'your config' on the command line.
- -l, -licfile Install silently using the license file provided on the command line. The other settings will come from 'si_issa.xml' file present in the instman folder or from the -c 'your config' file provided on the command line.
- -c Use ISSA and install parameters that are supplied through this configuration file.
- -h Display the silent install usage.
Precedence Order for Parameters
- If both -sn 'SN' and the -c 'CF' options are provided, the serial number provided via command line overrides the serial number specified in the value in the configuration file.
- If both -licfile 'LF' and the -c 'CF' options are provided, the license file provided via command line overrides the license file specified in the value in the configuration file.
- If both and values are provided in the configuration file or as command-line options, silent install will first copy the license file, validate and proceed with the install; if install fails, it will follow the serial number option path.
Configuration File
The default configuration file 'si_issa.xml' is available in the ‘instman' folder. You can use the script file '' available in the 'instman' folder to generate an silent install config file. Here is an example of the format of this configuration file
Note: the pkg_id attribute under will set the order in which the tools will be installed. You can change the install order based on dependencies between installed packages. Include the section only if a web proxy server is required to reach the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center web server.
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Log File
To create a log file, create a directory named 'WorkArea' within the 'instman' folder. Rerun the installation, and files will be created in the 'WorkArea' folder. The most important file will be secore.log, which is a transcript of the ISSA session.
Silent Install Using ‘sudo'
Users utilizing the ‘sudo' command to perform a silent install need to modify the above procedure. By default, sudo will not preserve the user's DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH setting. The following silent install procedure should be used by sudo users:
To install the compiler with sudo in the 'silent' mode with an interactive shell
- Mount the product dmg file with required content using Finder, for example, by double-clicking on the dmg file.
- Start a Terminal program from the Utilities group. Using Terminal, copy the contents of the mounted image to a local folder, for example
- cp -pR /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.00x /Users/m_fc_p_10.1.0xx
- Change directory to the local instman folder inside the folder you copied in (a), for example:
- cd /Users/m_fc_p_10.1.00x/instman
- Start a shell session under bash, for example:
- sudo /bin/bash
- Export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=, for example:
- export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/m_fc_p_10.1.00x/instman:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
- (optional) Make changes to si_issa.xml configuration file to change the default settings, see details below.
- Run ./si_sicore with options as described above.
To install the compiler with sudo in the 'silent' mode with minimal interaction
The following method uses sudo in a mode suitable for scripted automation.
- Start a Terminal program from the Utilities, or create a user shell (rsh, X11, etc)
- Change directories to a working area where the user has write permission. For example, cd /Users/ ,where this is the home directory of user . This example assumes the user has downloaded or copied the compiler disk image (.dmg) file to this user home directory /Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx.dmg where '0xx' is the compiler minor version.
- Mount the compiler disk image. Assumes compiler .dmg file is in your current directory. This command will mount the compiler installer disk image under /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.0xx: sudo hdiutil attach m_fc_p_10.1.0xx.dmg
- Copy the contents of the mounted image to a local folder where you have write permission. For example, if your current directory is user writeable: cp -pR /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.0xx /Users/ , where '' is replaced by your login or user name.
- Change directories to /Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx/instman created by the previous copy command: cd /Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx/instman
- Use sudo to run the installer, using one of two possible methods, where '' are replaced by si_secore options described above.
- sudo env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx/instman ./si_secore
- sudo -c 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx/instman ; ./si_secore '
- For example, to use the serial number XXXX-XXXXXX to install:
- sudo -c 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users//m_fc_p_10.1.0xx/instman ; ./si_secore -n XXXX-XXXXXX '
- (optional) Remove the compiler installation files. For example,
- cd /Users/
- rm -Rf m_fc_p_10.1.0xx
- (optional) Unmount the compiler installation image. For example, sudo hdiutil unmount /Volumes/m_fc_p_10.1.0xx
- Finally, to truly make this sequence suitable for scripting, you can pass your password to the sudo commands above using the -S option to sudo. For example, echo ‘MyPassword' | sudo -S , where ‘MyPassword' is your user password used to run sudo command.
As noted in the Intel® Software Development Product End User License Agreement, the Intel® Software Development Product you install will send Intel the product's serial number and other system information to help Intel improve the product and validate license compliance. No personal information will be transmitted.
This page is a list of patched kernels for OS X. You are encouraged to add any missing information to help make this list complete! Please only add kernel-CPU combinations you or someone else have tested; don't just add a a CPU or kernel because it exists.
Two types of patches exist: binary and source. A binary patch (binpatch) is used when the target CPU is completely compatible with the stock mach_kernel, but its CPUID is not whitelisted (i.e. Intel Atom). Source patches are used for CPUs such as AMD, legacy Intel, or VIA that differ significantly from supported CPUs—these might need instruction set emulators, for example. Certain Apple programs do not work correctly with source patched kernels.[clarify]
[edit]AMD and Legacy Intel
Mac Os X For Intel Celeron Core I5
[edit]macOS 11.0 Big Sur
Patches | XNU Version | Bootloader | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
AMD Vanilla [1] | 20.0.0 - 20.0.0 | OpenCore | Experimental Patches | All 15h/16h and 17h CPUs |
[edit]macOS 10.15 Catalina
Patches | XNU Version | Bootloader | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
AMD Vanilla [2] | 19.0.0 - 19.5.0 | OpenCore | All 15h/16h and 17h CPUs |
[edit]macOS 10.14 Mojave
Patches | XNU Version | Bootloader | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
AMD Vanilla [3] | 18.0.0 - 18.7.0 | OpenCore | No OPEMU (No 32bit App Support) | All 15h/16h and 17h CPUs |
[edit]macOS 10.13 High Sierra
Patches | XNU Version | Bootloader | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
AMD Vanilla [4] | 17.0.0 - 17.7.0 | OpenCore | No OPEMU (No 32bit App Support) | All 15h/16h and 17h CPUs |
[edit]macOS 10.12 Sierra
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
Bronya All_AMD_10.12_BETA [5] | 16.0.0 | ||||||
Bronya kernel 10.12.1 [6] | 16.1.0 | ||||||
Shaneee Kernel 10.12.1 [7] | 16.1.0 | Only working on CPUs with SSE4.1 / 4.2 | |||||
Shaneee 10.12.2 Kernel [8] | 16.3.0 | Only working on CPUs with SSE4.1 / 4.2 | |||||
Shaneee 10.12.4 Kernel [9] | 16.5.0 | Only working on CPUs with SSE4.1 / 4.2 | front usb 3.0 plug then sometimes randomly reboot |
[edit]OS X 10.11 El Capitan
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
y2k4u 10.11.0 R2 [10] | 15.0.0 | SSSE3 | N/A | FX Graphical Bug |
| |
SSE3Plus [11] | 15.0.0 | SSSE3 | N/A | FX Graphical Bug |
| |
Bronya 10.11.0 RC1 [12] | 15.0.0 | SSSE3 | N/A | FX Graphical Bug |
| |
Shaneee 10.11 RC1 [13] | 15.2.0 | SSSE3 | N/A | FX Graphical Bug |
| |
Shaneee 10.11.x RC1 [14] | 15.2.0 | SSSE3 | *Optional*-emulateintel | FX Graphical Bug |
[edit]OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
Bronya 10.10.3 rc1 Kernel [15] | 14.3.0 | SSSE3 | N/A | Update 10.10.5 is still not working. Stay on 10.10.4 for now. |
| |
Tora Chi Yo (虎千代) 10.10-SSSEPlusRev6 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10 - 10.10.1 10.10_SSEPlus_Rev.6 | 14.0.0 | SSSE3 | N/A |
| ||
虎千代 1010-SSSE3-FIX-rev.1 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A |
| ||
Duran BSA_RC2 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A | App store and safari issues - Patch found here: [ download ] |
| |
Spakk BSA_RC1 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A | App store and safari issues |
| |
Bronya RC2 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A | App store and safari issues |
| |
Bronya RC1 AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A | App store and safari issues - Patch found here: [ download ] |
| |
takiguru AMD Kernel For Yosemite 10.10.0 [ download ] | 14.0.0 | ? | N/A |
[edit]OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
AMD 10.9.5 kernel [ download ] | 13.4.0 | ? | N/A |
| ||
AMD 10.9.4 kernel [ download ] | 13.3.0 | ? | arch=x86_64 |
| ||
Bronzovka's (A.K.A. Bronyas) 10.9.0 mach_kernel_rc7 [16][17] | 13.0.0 | ? | -cpufamily |
| ||
AnV 10.9.0 kernel [19] | 13.0.0 | SSSE3 | N/A |
[edit]OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs | Non-Working CPUs |
Bronya Fully working Kernel [20] | 12.5.0 |
| |
Sinetek test 1 [21] | ? |
| |
AnV's amd_kernel [22] | 12.2 |
| ||
Sinetek's mach_sse42_only [23] | 12.2 |
| ||
Sinetek's other test kernels [25][26] | 12.2, 12.0 |
| If tests have been made with these kernels, they have not been disclosed. Please give it its own entry in this table if you find one of them to work. | |||
Sinetek's FX Fixed [28] | 12.2 |
| |
Sinetek DP1 Kernel [29] | DP1 |
[edit]Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs (32-bit) | Working CPUs (64-bit) | Non-Working CPUs |
Bronzovka 10.7.4 kernel [30][31] | 11.4 |
| The kernel flag arch=i386 will enable this kernel to run in 32-bit kernel space with 64-bit user land and apps. In 32-bit kernel space, the graphics issues will disappear. This kernel will also run in full 64-bit mode (arch=x86_64). |
| ||
Bronzovka 10.7.5 kernel [32][33] | 11.4.2 |
| The kernel flag arch=i386 will enable this kernel to run in 32-bit kernel space with 64-bit user land and apps. In 32-bit kernel space, the graphics issues will disappear. This kernel will also run in full 64-bit mode with the kernel flag arch=x86_64. |
| ||
IiTz ShAnE 10.7.4 kernel [34] | 11.4 |
| ||
connactic [36] | 11.4.2 |
| This kernel will run in 32-bit mode on many SSSE3-less CPUs. FX-series CPUs work with the kernel flag arch=x86_64. |
| |
R:A:W:X86 10.7.4 kernel [40] | 11.4.0 |
| This kernel will run in 32-bit mode on many SSSE3-less CPUs. FX-Series CPUs work with the kernel flag arch=x86_64. |
| |
bronzovkAnVoodoo [43] | 11.4.0 | |||||||
Bronzovka's Original Kernels 10.7.310.7.4 | 11.3.0 11.4.0 |
Intel Celeron G4900t
[edit]Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs (32-bit) | Working CPUs (64-bit) | Non-Working CPUs |
Nawcom's 10.6.8 Legacy Kernel [44] | 10.8 |
| This kernel works on many CPUs. The kernel flags -force64 arch=i386 are useful on AMD CPUs where 32-bit kernel space and 64-bit user land is wanted. |
| ||
AnV's 10.6.8 Legacy Kernel [45] | 10.8 |
| This kernel works on many CPUs. The kernel flags -force64 arch=i386 are useful on AMD CPUs where 32-bit kernel space and 64-bit user land is wanted. |
| ||
Sinetek 10.6.8 full 64-bit kernel [46] | 10.8 |
| At the time of this writing, this is the only 64-bit kernel space kernel for Snow Leopard on AMD CPUs. |
| |
A Collection of Nawcom's Legacy Kernels [47] | 10.0, 10.2-10.7 |
| ||||||
Modbin 10.6.0 kernel [48] | 10.0 |
[edit]Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Kernel | XNU Version | Emulators | Required Patches/Kernel Flags | Notes/Issues | QE/CI Working | Working CPUs (32-bit) | Working CPUs (64-bit) | Non-Working CPUs |
Qoopz 10.5.8 Kernel [49] | 9.8 |
| |||||
Voodoo 10.5.5 Kernel [50] | 9.5 |
| |||||
Voodoo 10.5.7 Kernel [51] | 9.7 | Intel only! |
Mac Os X For Intel Celeron Laptop
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